Spanish edition - Fluency is the aim struggling to talk is the game

Hello everyone!

Setting out the plans for my Spanish adventure.

Welcome to the Spanish edition of Lil Kid Big City learns.

Over the past few years I have had an interest in learning a foreign language (something I lacked while in school) and because of my love of Spanish culture mainly football! I decided to learn Spanish.

Over the years this consisted of a few days of learning words maybe even a week or two at a push before forgetting about it and losing any small amount of knowledge I did have!

This time however I am sticking to my schedule I am finally going to learn Spanish!

Over on the right side of this page you will see a column with the running total of Spanish words I "know", I will be using memorization programs like anki or memrise and when words are put into the long term memory section of these programs and I can recall them without stumbling I will say that I know them and add them to my word list. 

Fluency is always a tough topic what is fluency? I read an article recently which I thought gave a fair description of the levels of fluency you can read that here What is fluency?.

I will be using this guide to rank my fluency level.

Spanish is a category 1 language (easiest to learn for English speakers)

The FSI (Foreign Service Institute) state that Spanish can be learned to a level of conversational fluency in 25 weeks or 600 class hours. 

My goal is to achieve conversationalist level within those 600 hours of focused study.

I have a multitude of Spanish resources at my hands and will document my progress with them all.

I don't think I will be using rosetta stone software as I have used it before and I don't think it fits my style of learning.

I will post up videos of me speaking in Spanish on my youtube channel LilKidBigCity

I will also be writing something in Spanish at least twice a week over at Lang8. Lang8 is a fantastic site where you can write in your target language and have natives speakers correct you. You can follow my Spanish writings here Lilkidbigcity Lang8 journal.

This just about covers my intentions with the Spanish language. 

The first post on my adventures with Spanish will be posted tomorrow.

Until then if you have any thoughts be they positive,construct criticism or just stopping by to say hi then please leave them in the comment section.

See you next time!

Adios! ;)

Lil Kid Big City


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