Poker edition: Day 2 - Rolling in profit

Hello everyone welcome back to the poker edition!

Today we hit our first winning session!

So i played a small session yesterday unfortunately I didn't manage to get it on video but I do have good news. I managed to grind it up!

I won $2.66 so that eliminates the loss from the first session and we are now into profit.

Take a look at the new updated graph.

On the way to becoming a poker pro ;)

Now I'm under no illusions, this is still a microscopic sample and variance could well be in play here.
However I felt I generally played well during the session, I played my position and waited for the right spots.

A good session all in all but let's wait until we have a few more of them before we get too happy!

The biggest losing hand in that session was for $1.42 and was my only big mistake. Lets take a look at the hand and I will go through my thought process and errors.

Table Information
Seat1:  Player 1   ($1.91)Dealer
Seat2:  Hero  ($3.76)Small Blind
Seat4:  Player 4   ($2.02)Big Blind
Seat6:  Player 6   ($0.57)
Seat7:  Player 7   ($2.92)
Seat9:  Player 9   ($2)
Dealt to Hero

I'm in the small blind but have a nice premium hand.

Preflop (Pot:0.03)
Player 6  FOLD    
Player 7  CALL    $0.02
Player 9  FOLD    
Player 1  CALL    $0.02
Hero  RAISE    $0.10
Player 4  FOLD    
Player 7  CALL    $0.08
Player 1  FOLD    

We get 2 limpers and I raise to try and take down the pot right there or to isolate and play heads up.

Flop   (Pot: $0.25)

Hero  BET    $0.12
Player 7  CALL    $0.12

The flop comes with a straight flush draw super connected, that's not the best for our queens. My thinking was I was the aggressor pre flop and I want to try and scare the player off his hand. I think maybe checking would of been a better play here as this board hits our opponents range a lot more than ours but I don't think it's the worst play.

Turn   (Pot: $0.49)

Hero  BET    $0.24
Player 7  CALL    $0.24

The villain calls and I decide to bet again hoping he was continuing with an ace or a king and now he might fold them to another turn bet on this board. Once the villain calls my flop bet on that board I think I should be cautious so I think betting was the wrong move here and checking may have been a better call.

River   (Pot: $0.97)

Hero  BET    $0.48
Player 7  RAISE    $0.96
Hero  CALL    $0.48
For some crazy reason I decide to bet again maybe hoping to push him off KQ AK type hands. This was a mistake this board is so connected and hits villains limp call range so hard. Once villain raises I should know I'm beat I discussed raises in the micro stake in my last post here Poker fish to poker legend. However maybe cockiness after winning some money or not being able to let go of a premium hand got the better of me and I called when I should of just folded.


Player 7  SHOWS
Player 7  wins the pot: $2.89
Surprise surprise we lost!

I should of learnt my lesson from last time and I could of at least saved $0.48. This is a process though and like I said I'm a complete rookie so I am going to make silly mistakes. Hopefully reviewing the hands and writing about them here will stop me from making them!

However the rest of the session was great and we got back into the green. If you look on the top left of the page you will see a running total of how I'm fairing with bb/100 and see how many hands I've played.

Today there probably won't be any cash game poker I have a couple of tournaments I'm taking part in and if any good spots come up I will post them here.
I'm planning a big grind session for tomorrow (21st of February) so hopefully will have a good session and lots of hands to discuss.

If you have any thoughts be they positive,construct criticism or just stopping by to say hi then please leave them in the comment section.

See you next time!

Lil Kid Big City


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